Lyons Township Lions
Kelsy Kurfirst Uneven bars (9.70 - 1st tie) FOURTH
career individual state title
Watch Kelsy Kurfirst's state title routine
on uneven bars!
ALSO All-State in: All-around (37.70 - 4th) Vault (9.725 -
3rd) Balance beam (9.50 - 3rd)
Watch all of Kelsy Kurfirst's state finals routines!
Watch the Lions' state preliminary routines!
CONGRATULATIONS LIONS! State team qualifier! Hinsdale Central Sectional
Photo courtesy of Kari Karubas |
LT individual state qualifiers!

Kelsy Kurfirst, senior (AA, V, UPB, BB)

Kelly Ryser, senior (AA, UPB, BB)

Julia Cozzi, freshman (BB)

Sarah Halm, freshman (FX)
Watch the state qualifying routines!
Watch all LT routines from the Hinsdale Central Sectional!
2014-15 Varsity
2014-15 Varsity schedule
Hornet Invitational at Hinsdale South – 1. Lyons
Township#, 132.60,
2. Hinsdale Central# 131.25, 3.
Waubonsie Valley/Metea Valley
124.90, 4. Hinsdale South# 124.525, 5. Oswego
co-op# 123.925,
6. Glenbard East# 123.90,
7T. Neuqua Valley#
and York# 114.40
At Mike Williams Big Purple Invitational at Downers Grove North, 2 p.m. (12
teams -- 4 gymnasts per event, 3 scores count) –
1. Fremd 108.00, 2. LYONS TOWNSHIP 104.825, 3. Downers Grove South 103.20, 4. Hersey 100.675, 5. Sandburg/Stagg
co-op 99.175, 6. Downers Grove North 98.225, 7. U-46 co-op 96.45, 8. Oswego
co-op 95.775, 9. Naperville Central 95.125, 10. Glenbard East 91.90, 11. Naperville
North 91.15, 12. Homewood-Flossmoor 81.95
IF all four scores counted:
1. Fremd 142.00, 2. Downers Grove South 134.825, 3. Lyons Township 134.625, 4.
Hersey 130.75, 5. Downers Grove North 128.675, 6. Sandburg/Stagg co-op 127.675, 7. Oswego co-op 126.025, 8. U-46 co-op
125.15, 9. Naperville Central 124.075, 10. Glenbard East 119.80, 11. Naperville
North 114.675, 12. Homewood-Flossmoor 101.55
Lyons Township 137.95, At Downers Grove North* 131.80
JV I: LT 125.30, DGN 109.45; JV II:
LT 94.20, DGN 86.35
Silver dual records: Varsity (1-0), JV I (1-0), JV II (1-0)
At Lyons Township 143.00, York* 108.25
JV I: LT 126.90, Y: 80.00; JV II: LT 108.05, Y
Silver dual records: Varsity (2-0), JV I (2-0), JV II (2-0)
GLENBARD WEST* - rescheduled for Monday, Jan. 12
At Robin Straus Invitational at Lake Forest -- 1. Prairie Ridge co-op
149.325, 2. Wheaton Warrenville co-op 143.40, 3. LYONS TOWNSHIP 142.275, 4. Carmel 141.85, 5. Glenbrook South 139.80, 6. St.
Charles co-op 138.50, 7. Warren 138.25, 8. Lake Park 135.825, 9. Conant 132.00, 10. Deerfield 125.35, 11. Lake Forest 124.20,
12. Niles West 119.50
At Lyons Township 144.85, Glenbard West* 139.25 (JV I: LT 123.00, GW 121.80; JV II: LT 98.60, GW 94.65)
dual records: Varsity (3-0), JV I (3-0), JV II (3-0)
At Hinsdale Central* -- rescheduled for Monday, Jan. 19
At Mari-Rae Sopper Invitational at Fremd (6 entries per event) -- 1. Fremd 147.825, 2. LYONS TOWNSHIP
144.65, 3. St. Charles co-op 142.45, 4. Glenbrook North 137.35, 5. Downers Grove South 137.15, 6. Sandburg/Stagg co-op 135.30,
7. Palatine 134.60, 8. Oswego co-op 134.25, 9. Naperville Central 133.15
Lyons Township 142.90, At Hinsdale Central* 138.80 (JV I: LT 126.15, HC 124.45; JV II: HC 108.15, LT 107.10)
dual records: Varsity (4-0), JV I (4-0), JV II (3-1)
At Lyons Township 142.65, Oak Park-River Forest* 129.40 (JV I: LT 124.20, OPRF 96.10; JV II: LT 104.55,
OPRF 79.45)
FINAL Silver
dual records: Varsity (5-0), JV I (5-0), JV II (4-1)
At West Suburban Conference Silver Division Meet at York -- 1. LYONS TOWNSHIP 144.925, 2. Glenbard
West 139.50, 3. Hinsdale Central 138.325, 4. Downers Grove North 134.225, 5. Oak Park-River Forest 132.00, 6. York 121.80
Conference champion determination: Combination of one point for each dual victory and one point for each team beaten
at conference meet
Regular season standings: 1. LYONS TOWNSHIP 5-0, 2. Glenbard West 4-1, 3. Hinsdale Central 3-2, 4. Downers Grove North
2-3, 5. Oak Park-River Forest 1-4, 6. York 0-5
FINAL OVERALL standings: 1. LYONS TOWNSHIP, 2. Glenbard West, 3. Hinsdale Central, 4. Downers Grove North, 5. Oak
Park-River Forest, 6. York
Junior Varsity I results
At West Suburban Conference Silver Division Meet at York -- 1. LYONS TOWNSHIP 128.35,
2. Glenbard West 126.10, 3.
Hinsdale Central 125.05, 4. Downers Grove North 114.40, 5. Oak Park-River Forest
103.95, 6. York 95.05
champion determination: Combination of one point for each dual victory and one point for each
team beaten at conference meet
season standings: 1. LYONS TOWNSHIP 5-0, 2. Hinsdale Central 4-1, 3. Glenbard
West 3-2, 4. Downers Grove North 2-3, 5. Oak Park-River Forest 1-4, 6. York 0-5
2T. Glenbard West and Hinsdale Central, 4. Downers Grove North, 5. Oak Park-River Forest,
6. York
1. (1) LYONS TOWNSHIP 146.90 (37.175 V, 36.75 UPB, 36.475 BB, 36.50 FX) 2. (9) Oswego co-op 135.225 (35.25 V, 31.85 UPB, 33.15
BB, 34.975 FX) 3. (8) Naperville Central 135.10 (34.65 V, 32.675
UPB, 33.175 BB, 34.60 FX) 4. (16) Geneseo 87.40 (22.40 V, 16.975
UPB, 22.475 BB, 25.55 FX)
Individuals – Bolingbrook Lyons
Township individual sectional qualifiers
QUALIFIERS (16: 3 aa, 3 v, 4 upb, 3 bb, 3 fx)
Cozzi, fr.: Uneven bars: 5. 8.65 Sarah
Halm, fr.: All-around: 3. 36.575; Vault: 3T. 9.175; Uneven bars: 3. 9.175; Beam:
5. 9.075; Floor: 3. 9.15 Kelsy Kurfirst, sr.: All-around: 1. 38.725; Vault; 1.
9.80; Uneven bars: 1. 9.65; Beam: 1. 9.675; Floor; 1. 9.60 Kelly Ryser, sr.: All-around: 4. 36.50; Uneven bars: 2. 9.275; Beam: 4.
9.15; Floor; 3. 9.05 Sonia Slusarcyzk, fr.: Vault:
3T. 9.175
AT-LARGE QUALIFIERS (7: 1 aa, 2 v, 1 upb, 2 bb, 1 fx)
Julia Cozzi, fr.: All-around:
34.575; Vault: 8.65; Beam: 8.575; Floor; 8.70 Natalie Cozzi, jr.: Uneven
bars: 8.125 Kelly Ryser, sr.: Vault:
9.025 Sonia Slusarcyzk,
fr.: Beam: 8.325
At Hinsdale Central Sectional Team
(1) Lyons Township
146.90 regional score (2) Sandburg/Stagg co-op 141.475 (3) Lincoln-Way co-op 141.175 (5) HINSDALE CENTRAL 138.35 (4) Downers Grove South 136.95 (7)
Downers Grove North 135.3765*/135.375
*-Official score/Actual score Lyons Township individual sectional qualifiers
QUALIFIERS (16: 3 aa, 3 v, 4 upb, 3 bb, 3 fx)
Cozzi, fr.: Uneven bars: 5.
Sarah Halm, fr.: All-around: 3. 36.575; Vault: 3T.
9.175; Uneven bars: 3. 9.175; Beam: 5. 9.075; Floor: 3. 9.15
Kelsy Kurfirst, sr.: All-around: 1. 38.725; Vault; 1.
9.80; Uneven bars: 1. 9.65; Beam: 1. 9.675; Floor; 1. 9.60
Kelly Ryser, sr.: All-around: 4. 36.50; Uneven bars: 2. 9.275; Beam: 4.
Floor; 3. 9.05
Sonia Slusarcyzk,
fr.: Vault: 3T.
AT-LARGE QUALIFIERS (7: 1 aa, 2 v, 1 upb, 2 bb, 1 fx)
Cozzi, fr.: All-around:
34.575; Vault: 8.65; Beam: 8.575; Floor; 8.70
Natalie Cozzi, jr.: Uneven
bars: 8.125
Kelly Ryser, sr.: Vault: 9.025
Sonia Slusarcyzk,
fr.: Beam: 8.325
Complete Hinsdale Central Sectional results
At State Meet at Palatine High School, 5:05 p.m.
Individual all-around finals and individual
event preliminaries
Detailed 2015 state meet time schedule
At State Meet at Palatine High School, 5:45 p.m.
Individual event finals (in following
order: vault, uneven parallel bars, balance beam, floor exercise)
Detailed 2015 state meet time schedule
2014 Hornet Invitational Champions!

Watch Lyons Township routines on
the SGS YouTube site
Wednesday, February 11, 2015
Friday, February 6, 2015
Saturday, January 31, 2015
Wednesday, January 21, 2015
Monday, January 19, 2015
Saturday, January 17, 2015
Monday, January 12, 2015
Saturday, January 10, 2015
Friday, December 19, 2014
Saturday, December 6, 2014
Big Purple Invitational at Downers Grove North
Wednesday, November 26, 2014
Hornet Invitational at Hinsdale South

Stories, profiles
LT gymnastics profile: Olivia McGann
Wednesday, January 21
Vs. Oak Park-River Forest (Senior Night)
Monday, January 19
At Hinsdale Central
Saturday, January 17
At Fremd Invitational
Monday, January 12
Vs.Glenbard West
Saturday, January 10
At Lake Forest Invitational
Wednesday, November 26
Hornet Invitational at Hinsdale South
Saturday, January 31, 2015
West Suburban Conference Silver Division Meet at York (Varsity results)
West Suburban Conference Silver Division at York (Junior varsity I results)
Friday, January 23
York Junior Varsity II Invitational (LT 1st 116.975)
Wednesday, January 21
At Lyons Township 142.65, Oak Park-River Forest 129.40 (JV I: LT 124.20, OPRF 96.10; JV II: LT 104.55, OPRF 79.45)
Monday, January 19
Lyons Township 142.90, At Hinsdale Central 138.80 ALL
Saturday, January 17
Mari-Rae Sopper Invitational at Fremd
Monday, January 12
At Lyons Township 144.85, Glenbard West 139.25 (JV I: LT 123.00, GW 121.80; JV II: LT 98.60, GW 94.65)
Saturday, January 10
Robin Straus Invitational at Lake Forest
Friday, December 19
At Lyons Township 143.00, York 108.25 (JV I: LT 126.90, Y: 80.00; JV II: LT 108.05, Y 29.00)
Wednesday, December 10
Lyons Township 137.95, At Downers Grove North 131.80 (JV I: LT 125.30, DGN 109.45; JV II: LT 94.20, DGN 86.35)
Saturday, December 6
Mike Williams Big Purple Invitational at Downers Grove North
Saturday, November 29
Hinsdale Central Freshman Thanksgiving Invitational
Wednesday, November 26, 2014
Hornet Invitational at Hinsdale South
* -- West Suburban Conference Silver Division dual meet
For information on the 2013-14 season, click here
For information on the 2012-13 season, click here
Cozza STATE CHAMPION UNEVEN BARS (9.50 tie)! Kelsy Kurfirst STATE
11 LT individual all-state performances!
Carling: 2nd all-around (37.70), 2nd beam (9.525), 2nd floor (9.625), 5th tie
uneven bars (9.45)!!!!
Kelsy Kurfirst: 3rd vault (9.675); 3rd beam (9.425); 3rd
all-around (37.60)!!!
Michelle Cozza: 2nd vault (9.75)!
McGann: 3rd tie uneven bars (9.475)!
