Through ALL
meets of Tuesday, Jan. 9
* - Missing score(s) ^ - Two-judge score
(Sectional assignment key: S — Sandburg Sectional; NN
— Niles North Sectional; HE — Hoffman Estates Sectional; LP
— Lake Park Sectional
1. Prairie Ridge
co-op (HE) — 150.00 (1/8 D-a) 2. Glenbrook South (NN) — 147.40 (12/7 D-h)
3. Glenbard West (LP) — 147.35^ (12/28 Q-a)
4. New Trier (NN) — 147.125* (1/6 Inv-a)
5. Lincoln-Way co-op (S) — 145.80 (12/12 D-h)
6. Carmel (NN) — 144.875* (1/6 Inv-a) 7. Maine South (HE) — 144.625^ (1/6 Inv-a)
8. DeKalb/Sycamore co-op (LP) — 144.45^ (12/22 Inv-a) 9. Wheaton co-op (LP) — 144.23 (12/9 Inv-a)
10. Deerfield (NN) — 143.90 (1/9 D-h)
11T. St. Charles co-op (LP) — 143.50 (12/13 D-a)
11T. Mundelein (NN) — 143.50 (12/16 Inv-a) 13. Conant (HE) — 143.40 (12/13 T-h)
14. Lake Park (LP) — 142.25 (12/9 Inv-a)
15. Palatine (HE) — 142.20 (12/13 T-a)
16. Fremd (HE) — 142.10 (12/13 T-h)
17. Glenbard East (LP) — 141.75 (12/6 T-h)
18. Hinsdale Central (S) — 141.65 (12/9 Inv-h)
19. Downers Grove South (S) — 141.40 (12/14 D-h)
20. Oak Park-River Forest (LP) — 140.40 (12/9 Inv-a)
21. Sandburg/Stagg co-op (S) — 139.85 (11/28 D-a)
22. Glenbrook North (NN) — 139.70 (11/30 D-h)
23. Buffalo Grove (HE) — 137.40 (12/16 Inv-a)
24. Lake Zurich (HE) — 137.30^ (1/9 D-a) 25. Stevenson (NN) — 136.925^
(1/9 D-h)
26. Geneva (LP) — 136.50 (12/9 Inv-a)
27. Hinsdale South (S) — 136.05 (12/6 D-h)
28. Barrington (HE) — 136.00 (12/13 T-h)
29. Prospect (HE) — 135.80 (12/16 Inv-a) 30. Downers Grove North (S) — 135.75 (12/22 D-a)
31. Warren (NN) — 135.025 (12/9 Inv-a)
32. Oswego co-op (S) — 134.75^ (12/22 Inv-h) 33. Neuqua Valley (S) — 134.60 (1/4
34. Hoffman Estates (HE) — 134.50 (12/9 Inv-a)
35. Schaumburg (HE) — 133.90^ (1/5 T-h) 36. Lake Forest (NN) — 133.30^ (1/6 Inv-h) 37.
Hersey (HE) — 133.275^ (12/12 T-a)
38. York (LP) — 132.43 (12/16 Inv-a)
39. Niles West (NN) — 131.90 (12/7 D-a)
40. Naperville Central (S) — 131.75 (12/12 D-a)
41T. Vernon Hills (NN) — 131.55 (12/12 D-h) 41T. Batavia (LP) — 131.55 (1/3 D-a)
43. Lyons Township (S) — 130.25 (12/11 D-a)
44. Naperville North (S) — 130.20 (1/4 D-h) 45. Libertyville (NN) — 129.95
(12/14 D-h)
46. Waubonsie Valley/Metea Valley co-op (S) — 129.80 (12/7 T-a)
47. Wheeling (NN) — 129.75 (12/13 T-a)
48. Riverside-Brookfield (S) — 128.45^ (1/6 Inv-a)
49. Niles North (NN) — 128.05 (12/5 D-h)
50. Rolling Meadows (HE) — 128.00 (12/13 T-h)
51. Maine East (HE) — 125.90 (1/9 D-h) 52. Maine West (HE) — 125.85 (12/5
53. Willowbrook (LP) — 125.20 (12/6 D-a)
54. Glenbard North (LP) — 124.70 (12/6 D-h)
55. Elk Grove (HE) — 123.80 (12/4 D-h)
56. Highland Park (NN) — 122.05 (11/28 D-h)
57. Addison Trail (LP) — 121.675 (12/16 Inv-h)
58. Homewood-Flossmoor (S) — 121.55 (12/6 D-h)
59. Evanston (NN) — 121.25^ (1/6 Inv-h) 60. U-46 co-op (South Elgin/Bartlett/Streamwood/Elgin/Larkin) (LP) — 120.50
(12/16 Inv-a)
61. Leyden (LP) — 117.05 (11/29 D-h)
62. Andrew (S) — 114.95 (12/13 D-h)
63. Fenton (HE) — 114.85 (12/16 Inv-a)
64. Glenbard South (LP) — 110.25 (1/8 D-h) 65. Geneseo (S) — 110.00 (1/8 D-h) 66. Antioch/Lakes
co-op (NN) — 108.875^ (1/5 T-a)
67. Morton (S) — 101.00 (11/30 D-a)
67 teams total
KEY D = dual meet T = triangular meet Q = quadrangular meet Inv = invitational Conf = conference meet Reg = regional Sect = sectional
State = state h = home
meet a = away meet n = neutral-site meet
If you find any inaccuracies, please click here to e-mail:
Sectional seeding formula (Average of three highest meet scores with
at least one using two judges per event)
(Through ALL meets of Tuesday, Jan. 9)
- Missing results
(Sectional assignment key: S — Sandburg Sectional; NN
— Niles North Sectional; HE — Hoffman Estates Sectional; LP
— Lake Park Sectional)
1. Prairie Ridge co-op (HE) — 147.6667 (4/Yes) 2. Glenbard
West (LP) — 147.1167 (7/Yes) 3. New Trier (NN) — 145.9917 (8/Yes) 4. Glenbrook South (NN) — 144.9017 (7/Yes) 5.
Carmel (NN) — 144.525 (4/Yes) 6. Lincoln-Way co-op (S) 144.0583 (6/Yes) 7. DeKalb/Sycamore co-op
(LP) — 143.95 (5/Yes) 8. Wheaton co-op (LP) — 143.285 (6/Yes) 9. Maine South (HE) — 143.0833
(8/Yes) 10. Deerfield (NN) — 142.80 (6/Yes) 11. St. Charles co-op
(LP) — 141.6167 (5/Yes) 12.
Glenbard East (LP) — 141.55 (7/Yes) 13. Lake Park (LP) — 141.025 (7/Yes) 14. Fremd (HE) — 140.6583
(5/Yes) 15. Hinsdale Central (S) — 140.55 (8/Yes) 16. Palatine (HE) — 140.3333 (5/Yes) 17. Mundelein
(NN) — 140.25 (7/Yes) 18. Downers Grove South (S) — 140.1417 (6/Yes) 19.
Conant (HE) — 138.97 (6/Yes)
20. Glenbrook North (NN) — 138.55 (5/Yes) 21. Oak Park-River Forest (LP) — 138.3833
22. Sandburg/Stagg co-op (S) — 137.0417 (8/Yes) 23. Stevenson (NN) — 136.5417 (6/Yes) 24.
Geneva (LP) — 136.35 (6/Yes) 25. Lake Zurich (HE) — 135.70 (8/Yes) 26. Barrington (HE) — 134.9667
Oswego co-op (S) — 134.3667 (7/Yes) 28. Buffalo Grove (HE) — 134.225 (5/Yes)
29. Downers Grove North (S) — 133.4333 (8/Yes) 30. Warren (NN) — 133.0417 (7/Yes) 31.
Neuqua Valley (S) — 132.8167 (8/Yes) 32. Hinsdale South (S) — 132.4667 (8/Yes) 33.
Hersey (HE) — 132.2417 (6/Yes)
34. Prospect (HE) — 131.8667 (6/Yes) 35. Lake Forest (NN) — 131.6333 (5/Yes) 36.
Schaumburg (HE) — 131.4583 (5/Yes) 37. York (LP) —131.4107 (7/Yes)
38. Batavia (LP) — 130.80
(5/Yes) 39. Hoffman Estates (HE) — 130.2917 (5/Yes) 40. Niles West (NN) —
129.9417 (6/Yes) 41. Vernon Hills (NN) — 129.6667 (6/Yes)
42. Lyons Township (S) — 129.2583 (6/Yes) 43. Naperville North (S) — 128.875 (7/Yes) 44.
Riverside-Brookfield (S) — 128.25 (7/Yes)
45. Naperville Central (S) — 128.1583 (6/Yes) 46. Libertyville (NN) — 127.9083 (8/Yes)
47. Waubonsie Valley/Metea Valley co-op (S) — 127.8583 (6/Yes)
48. Niles North (NN) — 125.975 (5/Yes) 49. Maine East (HE) — 125.1667 (7/Yes) 50.
Maine West (HE) — 123.7833 (8/Yes) 51. Rolling Meadows (HE) — 123.6417 (4/Yes) 52.
Elk Grove (HE) — 122.5833 (5/Yes) 53. Wheeling (NN) — 122.5417 (5/Yes)
54. Highland Park (NN) — 120.1833 (6/Yes) 55. U-46 co-op (South Elgin/Bartlett/Streamwood/Elgin/Larkin) (LP) — 119.775
(5/Yes) 56. Homewood-Flossmoor (S) — 119.4583 (6/Yes) 57. Willowbrook (LP)
— 119.0333 (7/Yes) 58. Evanston (NN) — 118.925 (6/Yes)
59. Leyden (LP) — 115.3083
(4/Yes) 60.
Andrew (S) — 114.20 (6/Yes) 61. Fenton (HE) — 111.90 (7/Yes) 62. Glenbard South (LP) — 108.65
(6/Yes) 63. Glenbard North (LP) — 107.6167 (5/Yes) 64. Antioch/Lakes co-op (NN) — 105.5417
(4/Yes) 65. Geneseo (S) — 100.85 (3/Yes) 66. Morton (S) — 97.2833 (6/Yes)
Sectional seed formula is determined by the average of a team's three highest scores
in meets in which the top four scores per event are used in determining the final score. (Number in parentheses) is the amount
of meets for a team that fulfill this criteria. EDITOR'S NOTE: Beginning with the 2016-17 season, at least one of
the team's three scores MUST be a meet that used the average of two judges per event. Teams will not be ranked
until having three scores with at least one being from two judges. The following teams do not have three reported scores to
date or no scores that fulfill the two-judge criteria:
x. Addison Trail (LP) —
x (5/No)
(67 teams)
Rankings by sectional assignments
Through ALL meets of Tuesday, Jan.
9 (+) - Missing results
At Sandburg (Hosted by Sandburg/Stagg co-op)
Monday, February 5, 6 p.m.
Teams 4 Schools with individuals -- Bolingbrook, Lemont, Moline,
Plainfield North 6.
Lincoln-Way co-op (S) 144.0583 (6/Yes) 15. Hinsdale Central (S) — 140.55 (8/Yes)
18. Downers Grove South (S) — 140.1417 (6/Yes)
22. Sandburg/Stagg co-op (S) — 137.0417 (8/Yes)
27. Oswego co-op (S) — 134.3667 (7/Yes)
29. Downers Grove North (S) — 133.4333 (8/Yes)
31. Neuqua Valley (S) — 132.8167 (8/Yes)
32. Hinsdale South (S) — 132.4667 (8/Yes) ----------
42. Lyons Township (S) — 129.2583 (6/Yes)
43. Naperville North (S) — 128.875 (7/Yes)
44. Riverside-Brookfield (S) — 128.25 (7/Yes)
45. Naperville Central (S) — 128.1583 (6/Yes)
47. Waubonsie Valley/Metea Valley co-op (S) — 127.8583 (6/Yes)
56. Homewood-Flossmoor
(S) — 119.4583 (6/Yes)
60. Andrew (S)
— 114.20 (6/Yes) 65. Geneseo (S) — 100.85 (3/Yes) ---------- 66. Morton (S) — 97.2833
(6/Yes) Sectional seed
formula is
determined by the average of a team's three highest scores in meets in which
the top four scores per event are used in determining the final score. (Number
in parentheses) is the amount of meets for a team that fulfill this
EDITOR'S NOTE: Beginning with the 2016-17 season, at least one of the team's
three scores MUST be a meet that used the average of two judges per
Niles North
Tuesday, February 6, 6 p.m.
17 Teams 5 Schools
with individuals -- Beacon Academy, De La Salle, University, Washington,
3. New Trier (NN) — 145.9917 (8/Yes)
4. Glenbrook South (NN) — 144.9017 (7/Yes)
5. Carmel (NN) — 144.525 (4/Yes)
10. Deerfield (NN) — 142.80 (6/Yes)
17. Mundelein (NN) — 140.25 (7/Yes)
20. Glenbrook North (NN) — 138.55 (5/Yes)
23. Stevenson (NN) — 136.5417 (6/Yes)
30. Warren (NN) — 133.0417 (7/Yes)
35. Lake Forest (NN) — 131.6333 (5/Yes)
40. Niles West (NN) — 129.9417 (6/Yes)
41. Vernon Hills (NN) — 129.6667 (6/Yes)
46. Libertyville (NN) — 127.9083 (8/Yes)
48. Niles North (NN) — 125.975 (5/Yes)
53. Wheeling (NN) — 122.5417 (5/Yes)
54. Highland Park (NN) — 120.1833 (6/Yes)
58. Evanston (NN) — 118.925 (6/Yes) ----------
64. Antioch/Lakes co-op (NN) — 105.5417 (4/Yes)
Sectional seed formula is
determined by the average of a team's three highest scores in meets in which
the top four scores per event are used in determining the final score. (Number
in parentheses) is the amount of meets for a team that fulfill this
EDITOR'S NOTE: Beginning with the 2016-17 season, at least one of the team's
three scores MUST be a meet that used the average of two judges per
At Hoffman Estates
Wednesday, February 7, 6
17 Teams 4 Schools with individuals -- Jacobs, Dundee-Crown, Grant, Taft 1. Prairie Ridge co-op (HE) — 147.6667
9. Maine South (HE) — 143.0833 (8/Yes)
14. Fremd (HE) — 140.6583 (5/Yes)
16. Palatine (HE) — 140.3333 (5/Yes)
19. Conant (HE) — 138.97 (6/Yes) 25. Lake Zurich (HE) — 135.70 (8/Yes) 26.
Barrington (HE) — 134.9667 (4/Yes) 28. Buffalo Grove (HE) — 134.225 (5/Yes)
33. Hersey (HE) — 132.2417 (6/Yes)
34. Prospect (HE) — 131.8667 (6/Yes)
36. Schaumburg (HE) — 131.4583 (5/Yes)
39. Hoffman Estates (HE) — 130.2917 (5/Yes)
49. Maine East (HE) — 125.1667 (7/Yes) 50. Maine West (HE) — 123.7833
51. Rolling Meadows (HE) — 123.6417 (4/Yes)
52. Elk Grove (HE) — 122.5833 (5/Yes)
---------- 61. Fenton (HE)
— 111.90 (7/Yes)
Sectional seed formula is
determined by the average of a team's three highest scores in meets in which
the top four scores per event are used in determining the final score. (Number
in parentheses) is the amount of meets for a team that fulfill this
EDITOR'S NOTE: Beginning with the 2016-17 season, at least one of the team's
three scores MUST be a meet that used the average of two judges per
Lake Park (east campus)
Thursday, February 8, 6 p.m.
16 Teams 5 Schools
with individuals -- Burlington Central, Lane, Marist, Montini, Wheaton Academy 2. Glenbard
West (LP) — 147.1167 (7/Yes)
7. DeKalb/Sycamore co-op (LP) — 143.95 (5/Yes)
8. Wheaton co-op (LP) — 143.285 (6/Yes)
11. St. Charles co-op (LP) — 141.6167 (5/Yes)
12. Glenbard East (LP) — 141.55 (7/Yes)
13. Lake Park (LP) — 141.025 (7/Yes)
21. Oak Park-River Forest (LP) — 138.3833 (4/Yes)
24. Geneva (LP) — 136.35 (6/Yes)
---------- 37.
York (LP) -- 131.4107 (7/Yes) 38. Batavia (LP) --130.80 (5/Yes) 55. U-46 co-op (South
Elgin/Bartlett/Streamwood/Elgin/Larkin) (LP) — 119.775 (5/Yes)
Willowbrook (LP) — 119.0333 (7/Yes)
59. Leyden (LP)
— 115.3083 (4/Yes)
62. Glenbard South (LP) — 108.67 (6/Yes) 63. Glenbard North (LP) — 107.6167
Sectional seed formula is
determined by the average of a team's three highest scores in meets in which
the top four scores per event are used in determining the final score. (Number
in parentheses) is the amount of meets for a team that fulfill this
EDITOR'S NOTE: Beginning with the 2016-17 season, at least one of the team's
three scores MUST be a meet that used the average of two judges per
Teams will not be ranked until having three scores with at least one being from
two judges. The following teams do not have three reported scores to date or
no scores that fulfill the two-judge criteria:
x. Addison Trail (LP) — xxx.xx (5/No)