results through meets of Jan. 30 * - Missing score(s)
(Sectional assignment key: S — Schaumburg Sectional;
M — Mundelein Sectional; HC — Hinsdale Central Sectional; GW
— Glenbard West Sectional)
1. Prairie Ridge co-op (S) — 150.40 (1/9 Inv-a)
2. Carmel (M) — 148.60 (1/9 Inv-a) 3. Glenbard West (GW) — 148.45 (1/27 D-h) 4.
Lake Park (GW) — 147.05 (1/23 Inv-a) 5. Fremd (S) — 147.025 (1/16 Inv-h) 6. DeKalb/Sycamore
co-op (GW) — 146.30 (12/11 Inv-h) 7. Barrington (S) — 145.95 (12/2 D-h) 8. Downers Grove
South (HC) — 144.675 (1/16 Inv-a)
9. Mundelein (M) — 144.25 (1/16 Inv-h) 10. Geneva (GW) — 142.90 (1/11 D-h) 11T. Wheaton Warrenville co-op
(GW) — 142.40 (1/21 D-h) 11T. Lincoln-Way co-op (HC) — 142.40 (1/23 Inv-a) 13. Hersey (S) — 141.90
(12/17 T-h)
14. St. Charles co-op (GW) — 141.55 (1/9 Inv-a) 15. Palatine (S) — 141.10 (1/16 Inv-a)
16T. Sandburg/Stagg co-op (HC) — 141.00 (1/9 Inv-a)
16T. New Trier (M) — 141.00 (1/27 D-h) 18. Maine South (S) — 140.725 (1/30
Conf-a) 19. Glenbrook South (M) — 139.775 (1/30 Conf-a)
20. Conant (S) — 139.40 (1/14 T-a) 21. Warren (M) —
139.325 (1/28 Conf-a) 22. Lyons Township (HC) — 139.20 (1/27 D-a) 23. Hinsdale
South (HC) — 138.80 (1/27 D-a) 24. Buffalo Grove (S) — 138.25 (12/10 D-h)
25. Oak Park-River Forest (GW) — 137.70 (1/20 D-h) 26. Glenbard North (GW) — 137.455 (1/15 Q-a)
27. Hinsdale Central (HC) — 137.225 (1/30 Conf-h) 28. Glenbrook North (M) —
137.15 (12/17 D-h)
29. Rolling Meadows (S) — 136.95 (1/7 T-a) 30T. Prospect (S) — 136.60 (12/17 T-h)
30T. Elk Grove (S) — 136.60 (1/16 Inv-a) 32. Schaumburg (S) — 136.25 (1/29 Conf-a)
33. Oswego co-op (HC) — 135.65 (1/22 Q-h) 34. Downers Grove North
(HC) — 135.40 (12/12 Inv-a)
35. Niles West (M) — 135.25 (1/26 D-a) 36. U-46
co-op (South Elgin/Bartlett/Streamwood/Elgin/Larkin) (GW) — 134.90 (1/30 Conf-a) 37. Stevenson (M) — 134.65
(1/28 Conf-h) 38. Batavia (GW) — 134.20 (1/30 Conf-a) 39. Deerfield (M) — 134.05 (1/26 D-h) 40.
Waubonsie Valley/Metea Valley co-op (HC) — 133.70 (1/13 D-h) 41. Glenbard East (GW) — 133.55 (1/6 T-a)
42. Naperville Central (HC) — 133.30 (12/10 D-h) 43. Glenbard South (GW) — 132.50 (1/22 D-h)
44. Neuqua Valley (HC) — 131.90 (1/29 Conf-a) 45. Niles North (M) — 131.45 (1/7 D-h) 46.
York (GW) — 129.475 (1/30 Conf-a) 47. Libertyville (M) — 129.35 (1/26 D-a) 48. Addison
Trail (GW) — 129.125 (1/30 Conf-h) 49. Riverside-Brookfield (HC) — 128.95 (1/30 Conf-a)
50. Lake Forest (M) — 128.40 (12/17 Q-h)
51. Highland Park (M) — 124.75 (1/7 D-a)
52. Naperville North (HC) — 123.875 (1/23 Inv-a) 53. Maine West (S) — 123.45 (1/12 D-h) 54. Wheeling (M)
— 122.70 (1/29 Inv-a) 55. Vernon Hills (M) — 122.65 (1/25 D-a)
56. Hoffman Estates (S) — 120.85 (12/12 Inv-a)
57. Evanston (M) — 120.00 (1/27 D-a) 58. Fenton (S) — 118.05 (1/22 D-a)
59. Leyden (GW) — 115.85 (1/21 D-h) 60. Homewood-Flossmoor (HC) — 107.65 (1/13 D-a) 61. Morton (GW) —
107.40 (1/19 D-h) 62. Andrew (HC) — 106.825 (1/28 Conf-a) 63. Maine East (S)
— 106.55 (1/12 D-h) 64. Geneseo (HC) — 106.20 (1/16 T-h) 65. Willowbrook
(GW) — 105.65 (1/21 D-a)
65 teams total
KEY D = dual meet T = triangular meet Q = quadrangular meet Inv = invitational Conf = conference meet Reg = regional Sect = sectional
State = state h = home
meet a = away meet n = neutral-site meet
If you find any inaccuracies, please click here to e-mail:
Sectional seeding formula (Average of three highest meet scores)
(Through ALL reported results as of Jan. 30)
- Missing results (NONE!)
(Sectional assignment key: S — Schaumburg Sectional;
M — Mundelein Sectional; HC — Hinsdale
Central Sectional; GW — Glenbard West Sectional)
1. Prairie Ridge co-op (S) — 149.20 (6) 2. Glenbard West
(GW) — 147.2417 (14) 3. Carmel
(M) — 146.9417 (8) 4. Fremd (S) — 145.8583 (8) 5. Lake Park (GW) — 145.75 (13) 6.
DeKalb/Sycamore co-op (GW) — 145.5583 (9) 7. Barrington (S) — 145.1333 (9) 8. Downers Grove South (HC) —
144.30 (11) 9. Mundelein (M) — 143.4833 (10)
10. Lincoln-Way co-op (HC) — 142.00 (10) 11.
Hersey (S) — 141.2333 (8) 12. Geneva (GW) — 141.2167 (10) 13. St. Charles co-op
(GW) — 141.15 (8) 14. Wheaton Warrenville co-op (GW) — 140.8583 (9) 15. Palatine (S) — 140.5667 (9) 16. New Trier (M) — 140.475 (10) 17. Maine South (S) — 140.075 (10) 18. Conant (S) — 138.70 (9) 19. Sandburg/Stagg co-op (HC)
— 138.6417 (10)
20. Glenbrook South (M) — 138.55 (12) 21. Warren (M) — 138.4583 (10) 22. Lyons Township (HC) — 138.3167
(9) 23. Buffalo Grove (S) — 137.15 (9) 24. Hinsdale
South (HC) — 137.0333 (12) 25. Hinsdale Central (HC) — 136.7667 (12) 26. Glenbard North (GW) — 136.2183
27. Oak Park-River Forest (GW) — 136.20 (8) 28. Prospect
(S) — 136.05 (11) 29. Schaumburg (S) — 135.6333
30. Glenbrook North (M) — 135.5667 (10) 31.
Rolling Meadows (S) — 135.3417 (8) 32. Downers Grove North (HC) — 134.3917 (10) 33. Elk
Grove (S) — 134.2333 (9)
34. Stevenson (M) — 134.0917 (10) 35. Oswego
co-op (HC) — 133.8833 (7) 36. Deerfield (M) — 133.5167 (13) 37. Batavia (GW) — 133.4667
(7) 38. U-46 co-op (South Elgin/Bartlett/Streamwood/Elgin/Larkin) (GW) — 133.2833 (5) 39. Glenbard East (GW) — 132.6917
(11) 40. Naperville Central (HC) — 132.6333 (11) 41.
Waubonsie Valley/Metea Valley co-op (HC) — 132.5167 (12)
42. Niles West (M) — 131.90 (8) 43. Neuqua Valley (HC) —
129.4833 (13) 44. Niles North (M) — 129.3667 (10) 45.
Riverside-Brookfield (HC) — 128.2667 (10) 46.
Glenbard South (GW) — 128.1083 (11) 47.
Lake Forest (M) — 128.0833 (10)
48. Addison Trail (GW) — 127.175 (11) 49. Libertyville (M) — 127.0167 (10)
50. York (GW) —126.6583 (11) 51. Highland Park (M) — 123.1667 (8)
52. Naperville North (HC) — 122.1917 (10) 53.
Wheeling (M) — 121.90 (11) 54.
Maine West (S) — 121.8667 (12)
55. Vernon Hills (M) — 120.4167 (11) 56. Hoffman Estates (S)
— 119.4833 (8)
57. Evanston (M) — 117.8667 (9)
58. Fenton (S) — 114.3333 (11) 59. Leyden (GW) — 113.125 (8)
60. Morton (GW) — 106.2167 (9) 61. Andrew (HC)
— 105.425 (7) 62. Willowbrook (GW) — 105.2417 (10) 63. Maine East (S) — 104.80 (10) 64. Homewood-Flossmoor
(HC) — 103.3417
65. Geneseo (HC)
— 82.8167 (5)
seed formula is determined by the average of a team's three highest scores in meets in which the top four scores per event
are used in determining the final score. (Number in parentheses) is the amount of meets for a team that fulfill this
criteria. The following teams do not have three reported scores to date:
Rankings by sectional assignments
After ALL meets Jan. 30
(+) - Missing results (NONE!)
February 8, 6 p.m.
16 Teams; 2 Schools with individuals 1. Prairie Ridge co-op (S) — 149.20 (6) 4. Fremd
(S) — 145.8583 (8) 7.
Barrington (S) — 145.1333 (9)
11. Hersey (S) — 141.2333 (8) 15. Palatine (S) — 140.5667 (9) 17.
Maine South (S) — 140.075 (10)
18. Conant (S) — 138.70 (9) 23. Buffalo Grove (S) — 137.15 (9)
28. Prospect (S) — 136.05 (11)
29. Schaumburg (S) — 135.6333 (9) 31. Rolling Meadows (S) — 135.3417
33. Elk Grove (S) — 134.2333 (9)
54. Maine West (S) — 121.8667 (12) 56. Hoffman Estates (S) — 119.4833 (8)
58. Fenton (S) — 114.3333 (11)
63. Maine East (S) 104.80 (10)
At Mundelein
Tuesday, February 9, 6 p.m.
Teams; 4 Schools with individuals 3.
Carmel (M) — 146.9417 (8) 9. Mundelein (M) — 143.4833 (10)
16. New Trier (M) — 140.475 (10)
20. Glenbrook South (M) — 138.55 (12) 21. Warren (M) — 138.4583 (10) 30.
Glenbrook North (M) — 135.5667 (10)
34. Stevenson (M) — 134.0917 (10) 36. Deerfield (M) — 133.5167 (12) 42. Niles West (M)
— 131.90 (8) 44. Niles North (M) — 129.3667 (10)
47. Lake Forest (M) — 128.0833 (10)
49. Libertyville (M) — 127.0167 (10)
51. Highland Park (M) — 123.1667 (8) 53. Wheeling (M) — 121.90 (11)
55. Vernon Hills (M) — 120.4167 (11) 57. Evanston (M) — 117.8667 (9)
At Hinsdale Central
February 10, 6 p.m.
16 Teams; 7 Schools with individuals
8. Downers Grove South (HC) — 144.30 (11)
10. Lincoln-Way co-op (HC) — 142.00 (10)
19. Sandburg/Stagg co-op (HC) — 138.6417 (10)
22. Lyons Township (HC) — 138.3167 (9)
24. Hinsdale South (HC) — 137.0333 (12) 25. Hinsdale Central (HC) —
136.7667 (12) 32. Downers Grove North (HC) — 134.3917 (10) 35. Oswego co-op (HC) — 133.8833 (7) 40. Naperville Central (HC) — 132.6333 (11)
41. Waubonsie Valley/Metea Valley co-op (HC) — 132.5167 (12) 43. Neuqua Valley (HC) — 129.4833 (13)
45. Riverside-Brookfield (HC) — 128.2667 (10)
52. Naperville North (HC) — 122.1917 (10)
61. Andrew (HC) — 105.425 (7) 64. Homewood-Flossmoor (HC) — 103.3417 (8) 65. Geneseo (HC) — 82.8167
At Glenbard West
Thursday, February 11, 6 p.m.
17 Teams; 2 Schools
with individuals
2. Glenbard West (GW) — 147.2417 (14)
5. Lake Park (GW) — 145.75 (13) 6. DeKalb/Sycamore
co-op (GW) — 145.5583 (9) 12. Geneva (GW) — 141.2167 (10) 13. St. Charles co-op
(GW) — 141.15 (8)
14. Wheaton Warrenville co-op (GW) — 140.8583 (9)
26. Glenbard North (GW) — 136.2183 (11)
27. Oak Park-River Forest (GW) — 136.20 (8)
37. Batavia (GW) — 133.4667 (7) 38. U-46 co-op (South Elgin/Bartlett/Streamwood/Elgin/Larkin)
(GW) — 133.2833 (5) 39. Glenbard East (GW) — 132.6917 (11) 46.
Glenbard South (GW) — 128.1083 (11) 48. Addison Trail (GW) — 127.175 (11) 50. York (GW) —126.6583
(11) 59. Leyden (GW) — 113.125 (8)
60. Morton (GW) — 106.2167 (9) 62. Willowbrook (GW) — 105.2417 (10)
FINAL, UNOFFICIAL Rankings by sectional assignments on IHSA seeding day After ALL meets TUESDAY, Jan. 12
(+) - Missing results (NONE!)
February 8, 6 p.m.
16 Teams; 2 Schools with individuals 1. Prairie Ridge co-op (S) — 148.167 (4) 5.
Barrington (S) — 143.85 (5)
7. Fremd (S) — 142.4167 (5) 12. Hersey (S) — 140.4667 (7) 14. Maine South (S) — 139.1167
(7) 15. Palatine (S) — 138.475 (6)
17. Buffalo Grove (S) — 137.15 (6)
19. Conant (S) — 136.925 (6) 20. Prospect (S) — 135.6167 (9)
24. Rolling Meadows (S) — 135.0583 (6)
32. Schaumburg (S) — 132.7083 (6)
33. Elk Grove (S) — 132.6667 (6)
53. Maine West (S) — 120.5833 (10) 55. Hoffman Estates (S) — 119.4833
58. Fenton (S) — 109.05 (7)
61. Maine East (S) 103.5667 (8)
At Mundelein
Tuesday, February 9, 6 p.m.
Teams; 4 Schools with individuals 2.
Carmel (M) — 146.3667 (6) 13. Mundelein (M) — 139.6833 (6)
18. New Trier (M) — 136.9667 (6)
25. Glenbrook North (M) — 134.9833 (6)
27. Warren (M) — 134.8083 (6) 31. Glenbrook South (M) — 133.80 (8)
39. Deerfield (M) — 130.70 (7)
40. Stevenson (M) — 129.5333 (7)
42. Lake Forest (M) — 127.4667 (6) 43. Niles North (M) — 127.2833 (7)
46. Niles West (M) — 124.3667 (4) 48.
Libertyville (M) — 124.1833 (6)
51. Highland Park (M) — 121.8833 (6) 52. Wheeling (M) — 121.15 (8)
56. Vernon Hills (M) — 115.9833 (7) 57. Evanston (M) — 115.95 (7)
At Hinsdale Central
February 10, 6 p.m.
16 Teams; 7 Schools with individuals
Lincoln-Way co-op (HC) — 140.85 (7) 10.
Downers Grove South (HC) — 140.6833 (7)
22. Hinsdale Central (HC) — 135.5083 (8) 23. Sandburg/Stagg co-op (HC) — 135.1167 (6) 26.
Hinsdale South (HC) — 134.9697 (7) 28. Lyons Township (HC) — 134.70 (5) 30. Downers Grove North (HC) —
133.90 (8)
34. Naperville Central (HC) — 132.1667 (7)
37. Oswego co-op (HC) — 131.075 (5)
41. Waubonsie Valley/Metea Valley co-op (HC) — 128.8167 (5) 44. Neuqua Valley (HC)
— 126.8333 (9)
50. Riverside-Brookfield (HC) — 122.30 (5)
54. Naperville North (HC) — 120.40 (6)
60. Andrew (HC) — 103.5833 (6) 64. Homewood-Flossmoor (HC) — 99.4167 (5)
> 3 meets to date
65. Geneseo (HC) — (2*)
At Glenbard West
Thursday, February 11, 6 p.m.
17 Teams; 2 Schools
with individuals
3. DeKalb/Sycamore co-op (GW) — 145.225 (4)
4. Lake Park (GW) — 143.8583 (7) 6. Glenbard West (GW) — 143.40 (9)
8. Geneva (GW) — 141.20 (7) 11. St. Charles co-op (GW) — 140.625 (5)
16. Wheaton Warrenville co-op (GW) — 137.55 (6)
21. Glenbard North (GW) — 135.55 (7)
29. Oak Park-River Forest (GW) — 134.6083 (5)
35. Glenbard East (GW) — 131.9417 (7) 36. U-46 co-op (South Elgin/Bartlett/Streamwood/Elgin/Larkin) (GW) — 131.4667
(3) 38. Batavia (GW) — 130.875 (4)
45. Addison Trail (GW) — 125.80 (5) 47. York (GW) —124.2333 (8) 49.
Glenbard South (GW) — 123.9667 (6)
59. Leyden (GW) — 108.0833 (5)
62. Willowbrook (GW) — 103.3667 (6)
63. Morton (GW) — 101.25 (6)