Palatine Pirates
State Meet interviews!

Abby Amato and Kara Ure STATE QUALIFIERS!
Abby Amato 5th All-around (36.525) 5th
Balance beam (9.225) At-large Uneven bars (9.05) At-large Floor (9.3)
Kara Ure At-large
Floor (9.075)
Seniors Kara Ure (left), Rachel Maniscalco, Carrie Raymond, Ashley Jackson |
Palatine Invitational floor exercise routines
2016-17 Varsity
2016-17 Junior Varsity
2016-17 Freshmen
Palatine High School girls gymnastics website
2016-17 Schedule/Results
V: Palatine# 134.55, At Rolling Meadows# 127.45
JV: Palatine 76.25, At Rolling Meadows 73.65
F: Palatine
69.45, At Rolling Meadows 67.55
Palatine at Rolling Meadows results
V: At Palatine 135.30, Schaumburg* 114.70
JV: At Palatine 78.70, Schaumburg* 65.35
At Palatine 71.90, Schaumburg* 54.10
MSL West dual records: Varsity (1-0), JV (1-0), Freshmen (1-0)
Schaumburg at Palatine results
V: At Conant* 139.55, Palatine 138.05,
Fremd* 134.45
JV: At Conant* 110.60, Fremd* 96.85, Palatine 95.40
F: Fremd* 89.25, At Conant* 71.85, Palatine 71.15
MSL West dual records: Varsity (2-1), JV (1-2), Freshmen (1-2)
Fremd, Palatine at Conant results
Varsity only
PALATINE INVITATIONAL (2 judges) –- 1. Glenbrook South 145.375^,
2. Palatine 137.925^, 3. York 131.175^, 4. Libertyville 124.225^, 5. Naperville North 123.725^, 6. Prospect 121.775^, 7. Hinsdale
South 109.775^, U-46 co-op DNC
Palatine Invitational results
Junior Varsity only
At Mundelein Junior Varsity Invitational -- 1. Carmel 97.20, 2. Glenbard
West 85.85, 3. Geneseo-I 85.65, 4. Mundelein 80.75, 5. Stevenson 79.95, 6. Palatine 79.10, 7. Geneseo-2 62.90, 8. Geneseo-3
Mundelein Junior Varsity Invitational results
Varsity only
At Naperville North Invitational (2 judges) --1. Glenbard West 140.775^,
2. Palatine 137.200^, 3. Hersey 136.625^, 4. Downers Grove North 134.825^, 5. Glenbard East 134.450^, 6. Barrington 131.925^,
7. Hinsdale Central 131.000^, 8. York 125.725^, 9. Naperville North 123.375^, 10. Prospect 122.725^, 11. Naperville Central
118.900^, 12. Neuqua Valley 107.050^
Naperville North Invitational results
V: At Palatine 140.70, Barrington* 137.75, Hoffman Estates* 119.65
JV: Barrington* 87.45, At Palatine
84.20, Hoffman Estates* 71.55
F: At Palatine 71.95, Hoffman Estates* 69.30, Barrington* 56.35
Barrington, Hoffman Estates at Palatine results
V: Hersey 138.60, At Palatine 135.40, Buffalo Grove 131.10
JV: Buffalo Grove 90.65, Hersey 84.40, At Palatine 79.45
F: At Palatine 77.10, Buffalo Grove 75.60, Hersey 65.70
Buffalo Grove, Hersey at Palatine results
Varsity only
At Mari-Rae Sopper Invitational at Fremd -- 1. Downers Grove South 144.975,
2. Fremd 143.55, 3. Glenbard West 141.125, 4. Glenbrook North 139.875, 5. Palatine 139.80, 6. Glenbard North 136.05, 7. St.
Charles co-op 135.90, 8. Lyons Township 135.425, 9. Naperville Central 130.05
Mari-Rae Sopper Invite at Fremd results (team by team results added 1/22)
Varsity only
At Mid-Suburban League Varsity Meet at Buffalo Grove – 1. Conant 142.60, 2. Fremd 141.65, 3. Hersey 140.65, 4. Rolling Meadows 140.30,
5. Barrington 138.85, 6. Palatine 137.85, 7. Buffalo Grove 137.05, 8. Prospect 132.55, 9. Schaumburg 127.95, 10. Hoffman Estates
125.95, 11. Elk Grove 122.60, 12. Wheeling 122.45
FINAL MSL West Division regular season standings:
1. Conant 5-0, 2. PALATINE 4-1, 3. Fremd 3-2. 4. Barrington 2-3, 5. Hoffman Estates 1-4, 6. Schaumburg 0-5
Conference champion: Conant -- Determined only by dual meet results
Mid-Suburban League Meet at Buffalo Grove (Varsity results)
Junior Varsity only
At Mid-Suburban League JV Meet at Buffalo Grove, 6 p.m. –
PALATINE, Buffalo Grove, Barrington, Conant, Elk Grove, Fremd, Hersey, Hoffman
Estates, Prospect, Rolling Meadows, Schaumburg, Wheeling
Mid-Suburban League Meet at Buffalo Grove (Junior Varsity results)
Freshmen only
At Mid-Suburban League Freshman Meet at Buffalo Grove, 6 p.m. –
PALATINE, Buffalo Grove, Barrington, Conant, Elk Grove, Fremd, Hersey, Hoffman
Estates, Prospect, Rolling Meadows, Schaumburg, Wheeling
At Conant Regional
(3) Conant 144.15
(xx.xx V, xx.xx UPB,
xx.xx BB, xx.xx FX)
At Fremd Sectional
(1) Prairie Ridge
co-op 147.85 (37.875
V, 37.25 UPB, 35.90 BB, 36.825 FX) (3) Conant
144.10 (36.975 V, 34.775 UPB, 36.05 BB, 36.30 FX) (2) Maine South
143.15 (37.575
V, 36.075 UPB, 34.85 BB, 35.65 FX) (5) Fremd 142.125 (36.575 V,
34.825 UPB, 34.725 BB, 36.00 FX) (6) Palatine
140.20 (35.475 V, 34.55 UPB, 35.225 BB, 34.95 FX) (4) Hersey
140.025 (34.45 V,
34.575 UPB, 35.925 BB, 35.075 FX)
Individual sectional qualifiers Abby
Amato -- All-around (35.425), Vault (8.80), Uneven bars (9.20), Beam (8.475), Floor (8.95) Kara Ure -- All-around (34.625),
Vault (8.65), Uneven bars (8.50), Beam (8.70), Floor (8.775) Callee Aikman -- All-around (32.975), Uneven bars (8.70) Kristen
Ure -- Beam (8.45)
Complete Fremd Sectional results (individual sectional qualifiers only)
State Meet at Palatine High School, 2 p.m. (NOTE TIME CHANGE)
Team competition Individual
all-around finals and individual event preliminaries
State Meet at Palatine High School, 2 p.m. (NOTE TIME CHANGE)
Individual evant finals
* -- Mid-Suburban League West Division dual meet
Palatine High School girls gymnastics website