Individual state qualifiers! Erin Morgan (AA, V, UPB, BB, FX) Cayley
Brenk (V)
Watch Hinsdale Central routines on the SGS YouTube site
Hinsdale Central Red Devils
2012-13 Hinsdale Central varsity team

Photo courtesy of George Morgan |
Erin Morgan (front row, from left), Maddie Sesemann, Ellie Bergevin, (back row) Emma Christoph, Hannah Kapelinski, Cayley
Brenk, Annie Zircher
Stories, profiles
Friday, February 15
State meet
Hinsdale Central Sectional
Hinsdale Central Regional
Saturday, January 26
SGS story: WSC Silver Meet
Saturday, January 19
SGS story: York Invitational/Glenbard West
Wednesday, January 9
SGS story: Hinsdale Central at York
Saturday, January 5
SGS story: Naperville North Invitational
Saturday, December 22
SGS story: New Trier Invitational
Monday, December 17
SGS story: Lyons Township 144.25, At Hinsdale Central 139.20
Saturday, December 8
SGS story: Red Devil Invitational
Wednesday, November 21
SGS story: Hornet Invitational at Hinsdale South
JV I Silver champions!
Friday, February 15
State meet individual all-around final results
State meet individual event preliminary results
Hinsdale Central Sectional
Thursday, January 31
Hinsdale Central Regional
Hinsdale Central Regional team results sheet
Saturday, January 26
West Suburban Conference Silver Division Meet at Glenbard West (varsity results)
West Suburban Conference Silver Division Meet at Glenbard West (JV I results)
Saturday, January 19
York Invitational
Hinsdale Central results sheet from York Invite
Friday, January 18
York JV II Invitational (with HC results sheet)
Thursday, January 17
Glenbard West 142.40, At Hinsdale Central 138.05 (JV I: HC 104.35, GW 97.10; JV II: HC 121.85, GW 115.85)
Wednesday, January 9
At York 138.50, Hinsdale Central 138.25 (JV I: HC 117.80, Y 113.65; JV II: HC 93.25, Y 70.70)
Saturday, January 5
Naperville North Invitational
Saturday, December 22
New Trier Holiday Invitational
Monday, December 17
Lyons Township 144.25, At Hinsdale Central 139.20 (JV I: HC 119.05, LT 111.65; JV II: HC 99.80, LT 90.95)
Wednesday, December 12
Hinsdale Central 136.05, At Oak Park-River Forest 128.55 (JV I: HC 119.55, OPRF 112.35; JV II: HC 100.50, OPRF 91.05)
Saturday, December 8
Red Devil Invitational at Hinsdale Central (varsity results)
Red Devil Invitational at Hinsdale Central (JV results)
Wednesday, December 5
Hinsdale Central 137.60, At Downers Grove North 123.10 (JV I: HC 120.05, DGN 101.95; JV II: HC 90.80, DGN 74.90)
Saturday, December 1
Oswego Freshman Invitational
Thursday, November 28
At Hinsdale Central 138.70, Sandburg/Stagg co-op 119.25 (JV I: HC 117.35, SS 103.45; JV II: HC 90.95, SS 20.75)
Saturday, November 24
Hinsdale Central Freshman Thanksgiving Invitational
Wednesday, November 21
Hornet Invitational at Hinsdale South
2012-13 Varsity schedule
At Hornet Invitational at Hinsdale South: 1. Lyons Township 141.25, 2. Hinsdale Central 133.50, 3. Hinsdale
South 131.40, 4. Oswego co-op 131.325, 5. Neuqua Valley 129.00, 6. Waubonsie Valley/Metea Valley co-op 128.825, 7. York
123.20, 8. Glenbard East 122.20
At Hinsdale Central 138.70, Sandburg/Stagg co-op 119.25 (JV I: HC 120.05, SS 101.95; JV II: HC 90.80,
SS 74.90)
Hinsdale Central 137.60, At Downers Grove North* 123.10 (JV I: HC 120.05, DGN 101.95; JV II: HC 90.80, DGN
Red Devil Invitational at Hinsdale Central -- 1. Hinsdale Central 141.575, 2. Lake Park 139.40, 3. Hinsdale South 133.75, 4. Downers Grove
South 130.45, 5. Oak Park-River Forest 129.90, 6. Downers Grove North 127.50, 7. Sandburg/Stagg co-op 123.65
Hinsdale Central 136.05, At Oak Park-River Forest* 128.55 (JV I: HC 119.55, OPRF 112.35; JV II: HC 100.50,
OPRF 91.05)
Lyons Township* 144.25, Hinsdale Central 139.20 (JV I: HC 119.05, LT 111.65; JV II: HC 99.80, LT 90.95)
At New Trier Holiday Invitational – 1. Fremd 145.025, 2. New Trier 144.825, 3. Stevenson
139.475, 4. Hinsdale Central 138.75, 5. Carmel 138.15, 6. Warren 128.775, 7. Evanston 122.375, 8. Niles
North 116.125 Indivdual placewinners All-around:
1. Kerry Scafidi (NT) 38.10, 2. Erin Morgan (HC) 37.15, 3. Becca Feltman-Frank (S) 36.10,
4. Elana Benishay (NT) 36.05, 5. Sarah Cohen-Smith (Car) 35.925 Vault: 1. Cohen-Smith (C) 9.825, 2. Christine
Radochonski (F) 9.6, 3. Scafidi (NT) 9.525, 4. Becky Stochl (W) 9.5, 5. Feltman-Frank (S) 9.475 Uneven bars:
1. Scafidi (NT) 9.7, 2. Emily Pinderski (F) 9.525, 3. Sydney Plichta (F) 9.5, 4. Stephanie Gallo (F) 9.425, 5. Feltman-Frank
(S) 9.4 Beam: 1. Alyssa Weisberg (S) 9.45, 2. Scafidi (NT) 9.375, 3. Plichta (F) 9.275, 4. Benishay (NT)
9.225, 5. Morgan (HC) 9.1 Floor: 1. Scafidi (NT) 9.5, 2. Morgan (HC) 9.475,
3. Christine Jensen (F) 9.375, 4. Pinderski (F) 9.35, 5. Cohen-Smith (C) 9.325
At Naperville North Invitational -- 1. Glenbard West 141.70, 2. Prospect 139.10,
3. Palatine 138.225, 4. Hinsdale Central 137.25, 5. Barrington 134.25, 6. Naperville North 134.225, 7. York
131.35, 8. Naperville Central 130.75, 9. Rolling Meadows 125.525, 10. Glenbard East 122.175, 11. Downers Grove North 121.825,
12. Hersey 120.60
At York* 138.50, Hinsdale Central 138.25 (JV I: HC 117.80, Y 113.65; JV II: HC 93.25, Y 70.70)
Glenbard West* 142.40, At Hinsdale Central 138.05 (JV I: HC 104.35, GW 97.10; JV II: HC 121.85, GW 115.85)
At York Invitational -- 1. Glenbard West 144.075, 2. Lake Park 137.775, 3. York 137.125, 4.
Hinsdale Central 135.575, 5. Lincoln-Way co-op 134.20, 6. Conant 132.85, 7. Naperville North 132.125, 8. Neuqua Valley
128.70, 9. Sandburg/Stagg
co-op 124.25, 10. Waubonsie Valley/Metea Valley co-op 120.375, 11. Andrew 114.775
At West Suburban Conference Silver Division Meet at Glenbard West -- 1. Lyons Township
148.25, 2. Glenbard West 145.40, 3. Hinsdale Central 139.00, 4. York 138.65, 5. Oak Park-River Forest 127.825,
6. Downers Grove North 125.85 (Overall champion
determined by 50/50 combination of dual standings/Silver Meet standings) Final dual standings -- 1. Lyons Township 5-0, 2. Glenbard West 4-1, 3. York 3-2, 4. Hinsdale Central
2-3, 5. Oak Park-River Forest 1-4, 6. Downers Grove North 0-5 Final overall
standings -- 1. Lyons Township, 2. Glenbard West, 3T.
Hinsdale Central and York, 5. Oak Park-River Forest, 6. Downers Grove North
Hinsdale Central Regional (as No. 2 sectional seed) -- 1. (2) Hinsdale Central 138.65,
2. (7) Hinsdale South 132.35, 3. (10) Waubonsie Valley/Metea Valley co-op 128.70, 4. (15) Riverside-Brookfield
117.325, 5. Shepard 36.15 (individual)
Individual ranked sectional qualifiers (with top-five regional
place and score):
Cayley Brenk, jr.:
AA: 4. 35.25; V: 3. 9.225; UPB:
4. 8.775; BB: 4. 8.60; Hannah Kapelinski, sr.:
BB: 5. 8.55 Erin Morgan, sr.: AA:
2. 36.125; V: 2. 9.30; UPB: 5. 8.40; BB: 3. 8.925; FX: 1. 9.50
Individual at-large
sectional qualifiers (with regional score) Cayley Brenk, jr.:
FX: 8.65 Emma
Christoph, jr.: V: 9.00; BB:
8.475: FX: 8.65 Annie Zircher, sr.:
V: 8.825
Hinsdale Central Sectional --
(1) Lyons Township 149.25, 2. (2) Hinsdale Central
140.90, 3. (3) Naperville North 139.575, 4. (6) Lincoln-Way
co-op 139.25, 5. (4) Oswego co-op 136.05, 6. (5) Neuqua
Valley 134.75
INDIVIDUAL RANKED STATE QUALIFIERS (Top-five sectional place and score)
Morgan, sr.: AA: 2. 37.625; V:
1T. 9.7.25; BB: 1. 9.425; FX: 4. 9.375
Cayley Brenk, jr.: V: 9.50 Erin Morgan,
sr.: UPB: 9.10
At State Meet at Palatine High School
Team competition, individual all-around finals and
individual event preliminaries
Hinsdale Central state results
21T. Erin Morgan 36.05 Vault: 20T. Morgan 9.45, 27T. Cayley Brenk 9.325 Uneven bars: 29. Morgan 8.925 Balance beam:
28T. Morgan 8.4 Floor exercise: 13. Morgan 9.325
Detailed IHSA state meet time schedule
At State Meet at Palatine High School, 5:45 p.m.
Individual event finals
Detailed IHSA state meet time schedule
* -- West Suburban Conference Silver Division dual meet